We visited the San Francisco Symphony in February 2023!
All 8th Grade Music students (string orchestra, wind ensemble, and symphonic bands) were invited to attend the San Francisco Symphony in an Open Rehearsal ofSalonen Conducts Bruckner & Adams, on Thursday, February 23, 2023. This field trip was optional but highly encouraged. 7th Grade Music students were able attend as space permitted.
This trip was limited to 90 students, and seats will be filled in the order of registration / payment made on FutureFund. We welcomed 10 PUSD field trip cleared chaperones to join and help with the trip. Cost: $75.00 per student, $50 per chaperone Trip includes:
Ticket to watch the symphony rehearsal
Round-trip bus transportation from Hart Middle School
Field Trip Schedule:
7:00 a.m. - Depart from Hart Middle School
3:00 p.m. - Return to Hart Middle School
Field Trip Location: Davies Symphony Hall
What a great trip this was, our kids learned while experiencing in a gorgeous setting! Jan 2020