Willow Road Instrumental Music Boosters (WRIMB) has a select number of larger band instruments for rent and to use in the classroom.
INSTRUMENT RENTAL: Students will receive the instrument for use throughout the year to use in class AND at home. TheInstrument Rental contribution is $125 per school year. The instruments available for rental are:
Baritone Sax
Bass Clarinet
French Horn
String Bass
INSTRUMENT USAGE: WRIMB also provides some larger instruments to use in the classroom only. Students will use these instruments during class only. Instrument Usage contribution is $25 per school year. The students may NOT bring the instruments home, They only use them at school during class, for school-related concerts and festivals:
All Percussion
String Bass
Please fill out the form below and return the form with your payment to the white "Tigger" box in the band room.