Honors Band2016-2017 California Honor Bands and Orchestra information
Each year our students have an opportunity to represent the Thomas Hart Middle School Music program at two highly respected California music conferences: CASMEC (includes CBDA All State California Band Directors association, CODA California Orchestra Directors Association, CAJ California Alliance for Jazz) and NCBA (Northern California Band Directors association). Both are exciting events for advanced music students that take place in San Jose and Stockton respectively. The time frame is typically mid-February for CBDA and mid-January for NCBA. The audition materials are the same for both CBDA and NCBA Honor Bands. Scales/etudes for honor bands as well as CAJ instrumental jazz materials are already posted on CBDA website. Honor Orchestra audition materials are posted on CODA website. Sign-up sheets for honor groups will be available through Mr. A. on October 1st. The application form, fee and audition CDs are due back to Mr. A. by November 18 (last Friday before Thanksgiving break). |